Nemko Norlab is moving forward with a new strong team at Herøya. Nemko Norlab's initiative stems from the former Molab and Sintef Norlab's laboratory activities at Herøya Forskningspark, the research center.
Nemko Norlab's department at Herøya has a team with high expertise in geosciences and analytical chemistry.
"We have the most engineer- and research-heavy team in Nemko Norlab’s Norwegian departments here at Herøya," say team leader Katharina Scheidl and senior engineer Svetlana Mitrokhina, both researchers in geosciences and analytical chemistry respectively.

"Three out of the twelve team members are qualified researchers," they add proudly.
“And we are also an almost entirely new team here,” says team leader Katharina. “Most of the group started here in 2022, the same year SINTEF Norlab became Nemko Norlab after Nemko acquired the company’s shares. We’re off to a great start and ready for new assignments,” she invites.
Offering method development
"What type of clients would you like more of?"
“Those who know what they want!” the women quickly exclaim. “Exciting method development, something we haven’t analysed before. It feels great when we can deliver."

Much faster
The laboratory has flexible accreditation.
“We have a specialised niche in method development,” explains Svetlana Mitrokhina. “What’s interesting for clients is that we have flexible accreditation. If a company requires that analyses are delivered with accreditation, we can validate methods and deliver accredited results much faster than many other laboratories. Typical clients for this are companies with specific requirements and a certain volume.”

Focusing on Herøya
Nemko Norlab is investing heavily in Herøya.
“We have many clients here. And it’s a big advantage that we can meet and be so close to the clients,” points out Sheidl. “We have the opportunity to discuss complex assignments face to face, exchange information in the hallway, and greet clients in the cafeteria. In addition, many analyses involve perishable materials that can’t be sent. By being here, we can deliver precise results in a short time.”
Important service offering
The provision of reliable and independent laboratory services is a key component of the operation of Herøya Industrial Park.
"Nemko Norlab’s accredited inorganic laboratory ensures that our tenants in the industrial park have access to reliable and accurate analyses. This is crucial for maintaining their high-quality standards and ensures that their products meet all relevant requirements and standards. We are therefore very pleased with Nemko Norlab’s presence and their focus here in the Research Park," says Tove Kilen, Property Manager at Herøya Industripark AS.

26. September 2024