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Companies and businesses in the Industrial Park

About 80 businesses with approx. 3.400 employees are established at Herøya Industrial Park. They represent a wide range of sizes and sectors – from industrial and maintenance companies with many hundreds of employees to smaller start-ups with just a few employees.

Approx. 55 of the companies are located in the industrial core area and are Herøya Industripark AS' tenantry. The remaining companies are located in the eastern part of the industrial park and are Siva Herøya AS' tenantry, and in Gunneklev as Hydrovegen Eiendom AS' tenantry.


Addcon Nordic +47 35 56 41 00
Bilfinger +47 35 92 30 00
Equinor +47 51 99 00 00
Hydro +47 22 53 81 00
Ineos Inovyn +47 35 00 60 00
Tietoevry +47 23 14 50 00
Yara +47 24 15 70 00
Main Reception +47 90 16 83 34
Reception Forskningspark +47 46 88 95 51
Herøya Industripark AS +47 35 92 65 00

E-mail to main reception Building 25: 

Companies and businesses in the Industrial Park