So say four experienced apprentices from Bilfinger, Yara, Inovyn and Addcon at Herøya. They are now preparing to get their trade certificate this year after two years of skilled worker training.
Best place to learn
All four recommend young people to choose technical subjects and apprenticeships in industry.
The short version of why they think industry is the best place to train is that this is a safe path to working life, it gives many opportunities, you can work as a skilled worker or take another education step and become an engineer.
As an apprentice, you have varied tasks, you get to use practical and theoretical skills and you have good prospects for job opportunities afterwards. And you get paid while training. (See the apprentices' comments further down in the article).
Steinar Wighus in Industrilærling Vestfold and Telemark, talks of a positive trend but also a struggle to find enough candidates.
"We are experiencing that more people are applying for technical subjects in upper secondary school. That's splendid, because the battle for professionals for the industry is intensifying. After all, we work on behalf of the member companies who tell us what number of apprentices they want to take on and which subjects to cover.

20 percent more apprenticeship contracts last year
"Last year we signed a total of 148 apprenticeship contracts, which is 20 % more than what the industrial companies in the region had registered in advance," says Wighus. "The number of students is not rising as much, while the need for apprenticeships in industry is increasing. So the companies are fighting for the students.
Many apprentices get a job in industry after completing their training. "We see that more people get jobs here after an apprenticeship. They experience a good working environment and get a decent salary. And the majority choose to stay on for many years.
Apprenticeship model
Vocational subjects and apprenticeship mean two years at school and two years of training in a company.
In the last year at school, the students set up three wishes for placement companies. The studens are with the company for two 14-day periods. In that time the company get to know the students, and the students get to know the people and the company. A good foundation when later applying for an apprenticeship.
"I generally think that the companies have become much better at involving and inspiring young people so that they want to come back after placement," Wighus praises.
The apprentice receives 30 % of skilled workers' salary in the first half of the year. The salary increases every six months, and for the last six months of the apprenticeship, the payment is 75% of the skilled worker's salary.
A certified skilled worker can expect a basic starting salary of between 400,000 and 450,000 NOK.
Brage Henriksen Korsmo, automation apprentice, Inovyn
Why did you choose an education in industry?
"I heard a lot about what it was like to work in the industry through my father, so I started my first year of electrician training. I then found out at VG2 that I wanted to continue with automation. I was most comfortable there and found it more interesting. I applied for an apprenticeship at Inovyn as my first choice, after placement here."
How have you been received?
"Very good. I have been included and followed up well, I have been involved in most things and I follow along everyone on different jobs."
Would you recommend this to others?
"Yes! It's a short path to working life, you get an incredible number of opportunities, whether you want to become an engineer or work as a skilled worker. I strongly recommend the automation course. It is a very broad subject with a lot of variety, a lot of fun. I develop skills and learn something new every day."
Adrian Firing, electrician apprentice, Bilfinger
Why did you choose an education in industry?
"It was an industrial apprentice who gave a lecture at school about industry and the companies here. I thought it sounded interesting, so I applied for an apprenticeship at Bilfinger.
How have you been received?
"Very good! I was most surprised that the working environment here was so pleasant. That there were such nice colleagues who support and help you all the way."
Would you recommend this to others?
"Yes, of course. It is very interesting to work in the industry. In relation to housing construction, for example, training as an electrician is much more complex here. You get to learn a lot of new things all the time."
Franz Lauritz, chemical process apprentice, Yara
Why did you choose an education in industry?
"I have always been interested in technical things and been curious about the industry all the time. And now I have chosen to take another trade certificate in chemistry process subjects. I already have a certificat in welding from Bilfinger, but gradually became more interested in process and chemistry subjects, and moving from maintenance to operation and production."
How have you been received?
"In Yara, I have had some colleagues who are very good in terms of expertise and very eager to teach. It is incredibly nice to join a group that wants to teach, because there is a lot to learn in the subjects here. And when you do shifts, there are 6 of us on the shift, you are also a bit like a family. Being well received is important. I can only praise them."
Would you recommend this to others?
"Yes, I would. For my part, I think it was nice to be able to use my practical and theoretical knowledge and skills during my apprenticeship. And here you have good job prospects. Also we get paid as apprentices. So if people are interested, I would strongly recommend the industry."
Tobias Byggstøyl Jonassen, chemistry process apprentice, Addcon
Why did you choose an education in industry?
"I wasn't quite sure what to choose, but found out that industry had so many different jobs to offer. I got inspiration from family and friends who worked in the industry. So I applied for an apprenticeship."
How have you been received?
"It was absolutely great. In Addcon Nordics and on my shift, there are incredibly nice people. Here you can ask about anything."
Would you recommend this to others?
"Yes, for sure! It is not a ordinary job, that is to say that the job is very varied, we do everything from sampling to packing. The tasks are not the same, so we learn a lot every day."
23. February 2023